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UI Labels

Configuring SMTP Server


Customers needed an option to configure their own SMTP servers. The option is accessible from the Administrator Settings. There were two options available; 1) Default option, which is the one configured by SAP, 2) Customize the mail server using the information specific to their company.


When the Default option is selected, there are no subsequent actions to be initiated.







When the Custom option is selected, subsequent action fields are revealed.






Copy Considerations

Persona identification

Typically, Administrators  who are well versed with system configuration and other Admin settings encounter this UI. They are well versed with the technical nitty-gritties and need a quick workflow to accomplish the task. They have the information such as port number, username, and host name handy.

Tone and Voice

Tone: Minimalistic and Direct. The end user of this interface is an Admin. The copy on the first line tells the user what happens if one of the two options is selected. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk, and the field labels indicate clearly what each field stands for in minimum number of words. Tone is direct and instructional

Clear and Concise Call To Action (CTA) The CTA button instructs the user to check if the details provided are valid by asking them to “Check the Configuration”. Such a button avoids any further information messages or consecutive CTA to navigate through the workflow.

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