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information message


In the scheduling feature of the application, a creator of the schedule can choose to schedule a particular version of a report based on the parameters chosen. The same story can be visualized using multiple dimensions and measures. Scheduling allows analytics content creators to share their reports to the desired recipients using email. The schedule runs during the specified time and delivers a PDF version of the report to the recipient’s inbox. While creating a schedule, you can specify the name of the file, subject as well as type in content meant for the body of the email.

The team needed an information message to appear against the field names where dynamic content can be keyed in during the creation of a schedule. This dynamic content will then be picked up at runtime. The dynamic text could be anything ranging from month, date, time, name of report. The prompt text appears when the report creator types in an opening square bracket. This is part of the In-App assistance.

Copy Considerations

Persona identification

A content creator who wants to create a recurring task in the form of a schedule. This could be anyone from a business analyst to a CEO, trying to create compelling analytical visualization of their business. The user caters to diverse audience and needs to personalize reports for the corresponding audience. Having an easy way to personalize the scheduled reports will delight them and make their tasks much easier.

Tone and Voice

minimalistic: Minimal use of real estate as the text field area is small. Therefore, use as little words as possible.

contextualThe information message would pop up right in the course of an action within the workflow and for that reason should be least intrusive, precise, and concise.


Information Message: "Type ‘[‘ for dynamic text."


The action prompt would also serve as a guide to novice users who are unfamiliar with the use of dynamic content. Simply typing in ‘[‘ will let them know that they have a list of options to choose from. Front loading the microcopy with the task considers the heuristic of learnability.





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