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Design and content evangelist
I believe that knowledge gained is more effective when it is shared and applied within an organization in a scalable manner.


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Presented and evangelised the importance of content design and adoption of AI to complement the various methods and processes of creating microcopy, in a workshop conducted at the UXIndia Conference, 2023. There were close to 100 participants and the session was well received by participants. 


Link to the presentation

I wasn't invited to the meeting

In a fun-filled and engaging panel discussion at the BeMore international conference, curated by ADPList, my colleague and I spoke about the challenges of navigating the design process, as a content designer.

Link to the Panel discussion

Components of usability
Being the lead content designer, I worked closely with the designers in creating standards and guidelines that help designers and developers design user-centered experiences keeping in mind the principles of heuristics, usability and accessibility.

Link to the guidelines


Writing for Chatbots

I always like to be in the know of what's trending in the world of user enablement or content design and I am enthusiastic about learning as well as sharing my learnings with my audience. I have presented a paper on Writing for Chatbots at the Annual Society for Technical Communications Forum in 2018. The presentation was well received and the process emulated by several writers embarking on their writing journey in conversational UI. The preparation of the presentation in itself was an exploratory journey for me.

Link to the presentation

Error Message Writing Guidelines

I am obsessed with creating comforting and delightful experiences for customers and was part of a customer engagement initiative where we delved deeper into how error messages are perceived by customers. As a result of this engagement, I, along with another colleague came up with a set of writing guidelines for error messages. I also helped author messaging guidelines for the Design System.

Link to guidelines

Sample help content

I have been authoring help content for several domains over the past 20 years. Starting from product centric documentation such as technical manuals to user-centric and task-based content, I've witnessed the transition of content mindset and the evolution of different types of help information. I've provided a glimpse of a piece of feature description in the form of an article, we call it Article-Based Help.

Link to Help article

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