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script-writing and storyboarding


We needed an informative yet very short video to introduce a new feature to customers. The tone had to be people-centric.

I came up with a script that introduced a real-world problem to users. I digressed from the usual product-centric story where we browse through the screen and explain features or even explain a concept technically as part of the video journalism guidelines. I created the screencasts using Camtasia and provided guidance to the video editor on the scenes and the associated script.

Associations help the brain recollect ideas more efficiently than a technical explanation. Therefore, I identified the most popular persona and one that was easily relatable to the wider range of users to let them relate to a mundane and common task. Reducing the cognitive load and improving acceptance to the new feature were the primary aspects I kept in mind.

Link to video:



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00 secs 

Have you found yourself in a situation where you’ve had to take a quick glance at your business performance, or skim through your KPIs for a sales update, and you don’t have access to your system? How about finding this information in your inbox regularly?

Introduce the persona to a real-world problem and suggest a quick solution to address the problem.

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00 secs to 44 sec

SAP Analytics cloud now allows you to schedule stories and analytic applications to be -e-mailed to you for offline consumption. You can create personalized versions of your story and have them delivered to users and teams within SAP Analytics Cloud as well as external stakeholders at regular intervals. text.

Introduce the most sought-after features. The most important functionality here is allowing the users to consume or share reports for offline viewing and usage.

We then talk about the delivery channels, as it’s important for them to know if they can simply share something via email, or they need to have an FTP location, or a central repository for the same. The USP of the feature itself is being able to share the report over email. Thus, highlighting that early on in the video was important.

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45 secs to 1 minute 08 secs

You can create multiple publications where you get to choose the flavour of the story you wish to share as well as the list of recipients.

Isn't it cool that you can create multiple publications of the same story targeting multiple groups of recipients with their personalized copies?

here to edit and add your own text.

This piece of information is additional, hence could come at a later stage in the video. Some of the cool features are highlighted here.

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1 minute 09 to 1 minute 30 secs

 Want more personalization especially for your live connected data models in BW/HANA? You can choose to edit the prompts while you schedule your story, to suit the specific audience. You can also specify the PDF settings.own text. It's easy.

We then go about with personalization and fringes within the functionality.

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1 minute 36 secs to 1 minute 44 secs

You can now view an offline copy of your story. And not just that, if you want to quickly view the story in real-time and do further analysis, click the link in your e-mail that will take you directly to the SAC story with your personalised view, online.

Personalization and ease of use continues.

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Only narration with a desired business background

It has never been this easy keeping ourselves up to date on what’s happening with our business.


Thanks for watching

I highlighted the key takeaway of using this feature, which is nothing but being up-to-date about what’s happening within one’s business.




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