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error message


Discrepancy within the translation panel when a story is in dirty state. In the application, you can perform in-line translation while the story is being edited. One of the challenges here is that, if the story being edited is not saved and you open the translation panel, the newly translated content will not reflect the changes made to the story after the last save. We needed an error-cum warning message to depict the scenario and guide users into taking the most relevant action.

Copy Considerations

Persona identification

A content creator or administrator who wants to translate their content into a language of their choice. The role requires special privileges. The task may be a recurring task as and when the content gets updated. 

Tone and Voice

EmpatheticWhenever we want to caution users against a potential undesirable consequence, we need to empathize with their current state of mind. Typically warning and error messages appear when the user is performing an action. The error interrupts the user flow and should contain three key aspects:

  • Intimation that something has gone wrong

  • Information on what has gone wrong and why the error has occurred

  • How can the user proceed 

My copy addresses all the guidelines:  You have unsaved changes in your story. Click Cancel to save your story for an up-to-date translation, else click Continue.





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